High School Equivalency Program (HEP)
In Louisiana there are 5 ways to earn your High School Equivalency (HSE), and skill-building, HSE preparation classes are FREE through the Louisiana Community and Technical College System (LCTCS) WorkReady U/Adult Education statewide network of approved providers.
Because there are so many ways to earn your HSE, your WorkReady U/Adult Education program can help you choose the best option for YOUR goals! We can also connect you with scholarships and other types of financial aid to assist with testing fees, college tuition, or workforce training classes at an LCTCS campus!

A true High School Equivalency (HSE) credential or diploma must be recognized and validated by the state of Louisiana. If a diploma or equivalency credential is not recognized by state or local authorities, you’re paying for something that is not legitimate.
- The Louisiana Department of Education can verify your high school records, send transcripts, and provide your earned high school diploma.
- The Louisiana Community and Technial College System (LCTCS) partners with Diploma Sender if you need to obtain a copy of your High School Equivalency (HSE) diploma (such as HiSET or GED).
How to Spot a Fake Diploma Provider
Don’t assume an HSE or diploma-provider website is stating the truth when it says “accredited” - they’ll say anything to take your money! Their marketing materials may look professional and they can even have names that sound like real educational institutions. However, you will waste money if you take their online tests or buy their diplomas. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true…it probably is. Below are commonly used phrases that sound appealing, but may indicate a fake diploma or credential:
- “fully accredited online high school”
- “take an online test and earn a professional degree with an embossed seal”
- “earn a real high school diploma online”
- “a high school diploma based on life experience”
- “don’t waste time and money when you can earn your diploma instantly”
Through the CAREER+ HSE PATHWAY you can learn foundational and high-demand workforce skills while earning your HSE (High School Equivalency) at the same time!
Age 18 and older, without a high school diploma?
1) Earn an approved Industry Based Credential (IBC)
2) Earn 12 credit hours of career and technical coursework (through course completion and/or earning IBC’s that transfer to course credit) in a field such as Business, Computer Technology, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Transportation, and mor
3) Demonstrate foundational skills in Reading, Writing, and Math through course completion and/or Adult Education assessments
Earn credentials in a high wage career field through FREE or low-cost WorkReady U Adult Education and community college training programs. Complete your HSE without taking a high-pressure test by choosing a career path and completing college credits + industry certifications. You could also qualify for grants or scholarships to pay for workforce training, college courses, or certification exams, even while working on your HSE (ATB-Ability to Benefit exam option).
Through the College Placement Test HSE Pathway you can earn the minimum standard score on an approved placement test that is based on the English and Math scores required to demonstrate college readiness in Louisiana. Test scores must have been earned within 5 years of HSE application date.
Age 18 or older, and not enrolled in high school? Earning minimum scores on either the ACT or Accuplacer test would meet both HSE (High School Equivalency) and college entrance requirements.
- ACT : English = 18 or higher | Math = 19 or higher |
- ACT is a paper-pencil test with 4 subject areas (English, Math, Reading, and Science), has a time limit, and takes about 3 hours to complete.
- The ACT costs $69 and you can apply for a fee waiver if you meet the ACT eligibility requirements.
- ACT Information and FREE Test Prep
- Accuplacer (Next Generation) : English = 250 or higher | Math (QAS-Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics) = 250 or higher
Accuplacer is a computer-based exam with no time limit, tests 2 subject areas (Writing and Math), and costs $30 (on average) or is FREE for WorkReady U students.
Through the College Prep Course HSE Pathway you can demonstrate college readiness by successfully completing developmental or corequisite coursework with a grade of “C” or better in Mathematics and English at an LCTCS college. Courses need not be taken at the same LCTCS college, but must have been completed within 5 years of HSE (High School Equivalency) application date.
Age 18 or older, and not enrolled in high school
- You would complete both developmental or corequisite English and Math at any LCTCS college with a grade of C or above (ENGL 0XX + ENGL 1XX, MATH 0XX + MATH 1XX).
- If you attended a Louisiana community or technical college in the past 5 years you may have already completed (with a “C” or better) Math or English developmental or corequisite classes (also called “gateway courses”). Request an official or unofficial transcript from your LCTCS campus to find out!
- If your goal is to graduate with a college degree or transfer to a univeristy, then taking corequisite classes can help you earn your HSE and complete college credits towards this goal. There are ways to qualify for aid to pay for college classes even while working on your HSE (ATB-Ability to Benefit exam option).
Through the College Placement Test + Courses HSE Pathway you can demonstrate college readiness in Math and English through a combination of coursework at an LCTCS college and the minimum standard score on an approved placement test. Courses and test scores must have been completed within 5 years of HSE (High School Equivalency) application date.
Age 18 or older, and not enrolled in high school
- You could complete a developmental or corequisite English at an LCTCS college with a grade of C or above (College Preparation Coursework) and complete your Math requirement using a satisfactory ACT or Accuplacer score (College Placement Tests).
- If you attended or even APPLIED to a Louisiana community or technical college in the past 5 years you may have ACT or Accuplacer scores on file as well as completion of a Math or English developmental or corequisite class. Request an official or unofficial transcript from your LCTCS campus to find out!
- If you’ve already earned credit in either a Math or English class OR have one of the required college placement test scores, then taking and passing the Accuplacer section you are missing may be a better route to your HSE goal.
Louisiana offers both the HiSET and GED as High School Equivalency (HSE) testing options, and FREE HSE preparation classes as well as scholarships to assist with testing fees are available through your local WorkReady U (WRU)/Adult Education provider! Review the HiSET and GED eligibility requirements below:
Age 19 or older?
- You’re eligible to take the HiSET or GED exam without providing additional documentation! Find your local WorkReady U provider for free prep classes!
Age 16*-18? You must provide proof of the following:
- Enrollment in and/or authorization by an approved WorkReady U (WRU) program.
- Enrollment in a state-recognized LA "Options" program within the K–12 system and the required testing authorization.
- HiSET® or GED® Official Practice Test for Educators administered by WorkReady U (WRU) program with state qualifying scores (Prepared or Well-Prepared).
- Need more info? Review the full WorkReady U (WRU) High School Equivalency Policy. *You must be at least 16 years of age to be eligible for HiSET or GED testing.

Reading, Writing, Math, Science, and Social Studies | Reading, Writing, Math, Science, and Social Studies |
Timed test, takes about 7 hours for all sections | Timed test, takes about 7 hours for all sections |
English & Spanish, computer-based & paper-pencil versions | English & Spanish, computer-based only |
$115 cost, additional costs for retests | $154 cost, additional costs for retests |
Learn more about the HiSET | Learn more about the GED |
HiSET requirements for the state of Louisiana | GED requirements for the state of Louisiana |
HiSET test preparation and study materials | GED test preparation and study materials |
Schedule HiSET in-person or online exam | Schedule GED in-person or online exam |
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