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Officials with Authority

Based on the 2020 Title IX Regulations, an Official with Authority (OWA) means an employee of LDCC explicitly vested with the responsibility to implement corrective measures for sexual harassment on behalf of the LDCC. Notice to any official with authority conveys actual knowledge to the institution.

Officials with Authority are required to report any witnessed sexual harassment, any incidents reported to him/her of sexual harassment or sexual harassment allegations from a complainant (i.e., a person alleged to be the victim) or a third party (e.g., the complainant’s parent, friend, or peer); or any written or verbal complaint about sexual harassment or sexual harassment allegations to the Title IX Coordinator.

LDCC has designated the following employees as Officials with Authority to implement corrective measures for sexual harassment/discrimination.

  • Chancellor
  • Vice Chancellors
  • Executive Director of Enrollment Management
  • Campus Directors

LDCC’S Title IX Coordinators or any official with authority have the responsibility to act when:

  • witnesses sexual harassment; 
  • hears about sexual harassment or sexual harassment allegations from a complainant (i.e., a person alleged to be the victim) or a third party (e.g., the complainant’s parent, friend, or peer); 
  • receives a written or verbal complaint about sexual harassment or sexual harassment allegations;
  • or by any other means.

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February 25

LDCC Day- Tentative

Start: Feb 25, 2025 End: Feb 26, 2025

Multi-Day Event

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