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Year Round Pell FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions for Year-Round Pell

What is Year-Round Pell Grant?

The U.S. Department of Education Appropriations Act, 2017, allows a student to receive Federal Pell grant funds for up to 150% of the student’s Pell Grant Scheduled Award (PGSA) for an award year. For example, if a student’s PGSA was $3,000, they now have the potential to be able to receive up to $4,500 ($3000 x 150%) to include fall, spring, and summer semesters.

How will this work at LDCC?

A student must complete the 2020-2021 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). If eligible for the Pell grant, the student at that time will be awarded Pell for the Summer, Fall, and Spring semesters.

When will I know if I am eligible for Pell grant for the Summer 2020?

LDCC will begin posting Summer 2020 Pell amounts to the student’s LoLA accounts on or around May 2020, but the student must have completed a 2020-2021 FAFSA and have all verification paperwork submitted and processed if applicable.

What is the eligibility criteria to receive a Year-Round Pell?

The student must be eligible for a Federal Pell grant as determined by the FAFSA. The student must be meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress. In addition, the student must be enrolled in at least a half-time basis (6 credit hours) in the semester in which they surpass receiving 100% of the PGSA.

Where should I go if I have questions about Year-Round Pell?

Visit the Office of Financial at your respective campus or email questions to

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